Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Recipe 24: Green Beans Almondine

I needed a new side dish for my husbands favorite meal...bone in ribeye steaks with baked potatoes....

I was in the produce department and saw this recipe on the back of a package of prewashed green beans. It was good but I can do amazing things with a can of green beans so it had a lot to live up to. I think my husband preferred my canned versions better :)

Green Beans Almondine
Fresh Green Beans (whole or already trimmed)
2 Tablespoons Butter
4 ounces Almonds, sliced
Salt and Pepper to taste
Saute almonds in butter until lightly browned.
Boil or steam green beans (or saute right in the same pan for a slightly less heathy recipe.)
Drain beans in a colander (if not sauteed.)
Toss the beans with almonds, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

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